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photo_biologicalHVAC DRAIN PANS act as an amplification site for microbial growth and dirt. Sheets of fungus (mold) literally cover these drain pans. Microbial growth proliferates while the drain pan accumulates dirt and other incoming debris. Left unchecked, buildup continues and drain lines are plugged with this biological soup. Overflows cause water damage to property, ruining items such as carpeting, books, walls, and other important things. More importantly, the water contains fungal and other microbial matter, and contaminates areas of contact.

Overflows present an ongoing problem for all drain pan systems. High humidity conditions, failure to clean the drain pan frequently, and a high percentage of outside air introduction contribute to problems.

Stagnant water in drain pans contributes to microbial growth. Stagnant water occurs where drain pans have hills and valleys in the pan, so that it may not drain properly. Improperly installed pans, where one end is lower than the end with the drain, capture water and allow it to not flow out properly. (See Corroded Pans section to solve the problem of unlevel pans.)

photo_bondguardBond Guard uses controlled release technology to introduce a broad spectrum anti-microbial into the drain pan, controlling microbial growth. Bond Guard is registered with the EPA. Contains surfactants and cleaners to keep the pan clean. Three or six month guarantee. Available in selected states.


Bond Guard Product Bulletin
Bond Guard MSDS