Think it is time to replace your cooling tower? Consider cooling tower refurbishment instead. The average life expectancy of a commercial cooling tower, according to most manufacturers, is 15 – 20 years*, before they need to be rebuilt or replaced. Many cooling towers were installed in the 1980s and are over 30 years old now. If the integrity of the tower’s metal sump, sidewalls and distribution pans are relatively sound, but the fiberglass fill has deteriorated to the point where it needs to be replaced, there are many dollars that can be saved through cooling tower refurbishment versus the cost of replacement.
The links below will show you, through video, photos and documentation, the dollar savings you can expect with cooling tower refurbishment instead of replacement.
Click any link below to see more information on refurbishing.
Video of a Cooling Tower Refurbishing Project
Photos from a Cooling Tower Refurbishing Project
Documents – Advantages of Refurbishing
For additional information on this and other subjects related to Cooling Tower or Boiler Water treatment, please contact your local Bond Water Technologies Representative @ 301-721-2663 for details. You can also fill out the form below and we will follow up with you shortly.
* Tower restoration success and longevity may be dependent upon several factors including structural soundness, source water quality, operating conditions, water treatment application and on-going routine site maintenance.